Natalia Antelava | Coda Story | 24th February 2025
“Putin’s success stems from the collective failure of the Western establishment, convinced of its own invincibility, to recognise his systematic dismantling of the order they claimed to defend. The values the West claimed for itself — defense of individual rights, rule of law, democratic values — were worth fighting for. But having “won” the Cold War, Western establishments grew complacent” (1,800 words)
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Nomido is the Browser's daily word game. Play today's before it's gone!
Cynthia Rose | Comics Journal | 24th February 2025 “My father chanced on his works back when they were small, slight booklets that seemed handmade. With them came an entire world, curious and enticing, fashioned out of the finest pen strokes. I saw his kohl-eyed vamps as shady White Russians and his muscular villains as figures out of Bram Stoker.” Filled with delightful asides on the epistolary life — “ours was a family who liked filling envelopes” (1,400 words)
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