Vox remains independent and in service of our readers.
Elbert Ventura
Executive Editor
Elbert Ventura
Executive Editor
Dear Reader,
Since Donald Trump took office just over a month ago, the news cycle has hit a frenetic new pitch. The daily torrent of push alerts, breaking news, and viral outrages has been relentless — and exhausting. It’s hard to tell what is real and what’s just bluster on stories of major consequence. Our audience tells us all the time: They need clarity right now.
We’re ready for the moment. Vox is independent, and that means we rely on people like you to support us. At a time when the megarich keep flexing their influence, our independence gives us a freedom to focus only on serving your interests.
At Vox, we don’t aspire to tell you everything that happened today faster than everyone else; we aspire to tell you the most important things that happened today better than everyone else.
We are proud of our work — and we hope you get something out of it. If you would like to support our independent journalism, please consider becoming a member. In this uniquely chaotic moment, we believe our mission of bringing clarity to our audience is more important than ever.